Godel 2 for mac + youtube
Godel 2 for mac + youtube

godel 2 for mac + youtube

Norbert Wiener Founds Cybernetics: 3 votesįacebook, Twitter Use in Egypt Revolution: 0 votesįirst Machine Translation Demonstration: -1 vote MIT Whirlwind I Displays Graphics: 10 votes

godel 2 for mac + youtube

Mark II Incident Popularizes Word “Bug”: 12 votes Macsyma Computer Algebra System: 15 votes “Spacewar!”, First Computer Game: 17 votesĪl-Jazari’s Water Clocks and Musical Automata: 17 votesĮdward Lorenz (Re)discovers Chaos Theory: 16 votes MIT Builds First Time-Sharing System: 18 votes Hollerith’s Electromechanical Counting Machine: 18 votes Vannevar Bush’s “As We May Think”: 19 votes Vannevar Bush Creates First Large-Scale Analog Calculator: 20 votesĪtanasoff and Berry’s Vaccum-tube Computer: 19 votes MIT SAGE Creates First Large-Scale Computer Network: 21 votes

godel 2 for mac + youtube

McCulloch and Pitts’ “A Logical Calculus Immanent in Nervous Activity”: 22 votesĮngelbart and English Invent Mouse: 22 votesĭijkstra’s “Go To Statement Considered Harmful”: 22 votes Wiesner Proposes Quantum Money and Multiplexing: 24 votes Wilkes, Wheeler, and Gill Define Closed Subroutines: 29 votesĭartmouth Conference Popularizes Term “AI”: 27 votesĬodd Proposes Relational Databases: 26 votes Scientific Computing During Manhattan Project: 30 votes Kuttaka Algorithm from Ancient India: 32 votes Xerox Parc’s Alto With First GUI: 33 votes Grace Murray Hopper Creates A-O Compiler: 34 votes Gottlob Frege’s “Begriffsschrift”: 34 votes Marian Rejewski’s “Bombe” + Alan Turing’s Improvements: 41 votesĭiffie-Hellman Public Key Exchange Protocol: 41 votes Solomonoff-Kolmogorov-Chaitin Complexity: 44 votes Pascal Builds Arithmetic Machine: 51 votesĭiophantine Equations Proved Undecidable: 46 votesįeynman Suggests Quantum Computing: 46 votes Scott and Rabin’s Paper on Nondeterminism: 54 votesĬolossus Begins Operation at Bletchley Park: 53 votes “The Art of Computer Programming”: 59 votes Kleene Invents Regular Expressions: 61 votes Gauss’s Disquisitiones Arithmeticae: 62 votes Leibniz Describes Binary Notation, Calculus Ratiocinator: 64 votesįirst Program written by Ada Lovelace: 64 votes Gaussian Elimination Described in Ancient China: 67 votes Hilbert Calls for Mechanization of Mathematical Reasoning: 69 votesĬlaude Shannon Formalizes Cryptography: 68 votes Claude Shannon’s Digital Logic: 82 votesĪl-Khwarizmi’s “On the Calculation with Hindu Numerals”: 79 votesīardeen, Brattain, and Shockley Invent Transistor: 79 votes Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem: 107 votesĤ. Turing’s “On Computable Numbers”: 110 votesģ.

Godel 2 for mac + youtube